Penn State Penn State: College of the Liberal Arts

Center for Research on International
Financial and Energy Security


Dr. Barry Ickes

Dr. Robert Marshall

Scientific Advisors
Dr. Andrey P. Vavilov
Dr. Clifford Gaddy
Dr. Georgy Trofimov

Center Information


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Global Energy Security

Global Energy Security

Modern economic growth depends on abundant supplies of energy. Because of its importance to our modern standards of living we worry about energy security, even if we cannot adequately define it. Energy security refers to supplies that are dependable and not subject to unexpected disruptions. Global Energy Security is concerned with the interests of both supplier and producer countries, even though these groups certainly differ in their preferences regarding the terms on which energy should be traded. All parties, however, have an interest in dependable and predictable supplies.

Our Global Energy Security project explores how dependable energy supplies can be maintained over time, and evaluates the consequences of different policies for country and world welfare.